How we comply with GDPR legislation and how we use your data
The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is European legislation coming into force May 25 2018. It builds on existing data protection laws, strengthening the rights that EU individuals have over their personal data, and creating a single data protection approach across Europe.Our GDPR Principles
- The customer/subscriber’s data is processed with fairness whilst adhering to EU and UK law.
- We only use a customer/subscriber’s data for specified purposes, that is orders, discounts, support, shipping and returns. This list is not exhaustive but a general guide.
- We only keep what is relevant to your experience, which is kept to the minimum we specifically require to do business with you.
- Consent to hold your data is required to do business with us but data is only held once registration completed.
- We aim to ensure all data is accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date.
- Your data is not kept longer than necessary – in the case of the websites, this necessity becomes the duration of your customer account being active.
- Your data is handled and processed in line with your consent and rights as an individual.
- All Customer/subscriber data is held securely in a password protected database and all passwords are encrypted and as such are not viewable by ourselves, let alone a third party.
- Data is not transferred anywhere else and is explicitly stored on the relevant website. Backups are held securely and our secure servers are based in the UK.
eLOV complies with the 9 main points of the UK Data Protection Act 1998. You may request removal – or a copy – of your data at any point by using the contact us form below.